
Friday, February 18, 2011

Pink Hippo Features!

Since I am totally sucking as a CRAFTY blogger lately here are some of the blogs that are not SUCKING!  These are my features for Pink Hippo Parties #14 and 15!  Stay tuned next week for your regularly scheduled crafting program!
First up are these incredibly ADORABLE boots by The Spangler @ .. I am totally wishing that they came in my size.. (7 just in case you are feeling generous!)!
denim boots a

Next up is this SWEET cupcake Wall Art.. makes me crave a something sweet and delicious.. by Kat @

You MUST go check out how it was made and all of the super cool textures of the wall hanging!

Last up for Pink Hippo Party #14 is This Super cool Book page Valentine Heart by Tausha @
Don't forget to check out her tutorial on how to make your own book page heart! 

Now on to my favorites from Pink HIppo Party #15!
First up is Shannon @ who made this awesome bag and shares how to make it.. I wish I had a whole closet full of these bags.. since I'm not much of a seamstress and probably couldn't make my own! (and because my current bag looks like a shopping bag.. I got it at Old Navy for $1.. it drives Mr. Pinkapotamus CRAZY!)

Next up is Danielle @ who made these awesome Rasberry Nutella Crescents.. I mean really.. anything with Nutella is amazing to me!
Last but certainly not least is Tina @ who made this A-dorable kids chalkboard complete with fabric pouches to hold all of the chalk fun supplies!
Hope you enjoyed my favorites.. and ladies don't forget to grab My Pink Hippo Featured button for your blog! 
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Thanks so much for featuring my BOOTiful Baby boots... Yep, if they came in my size I think I'd love them even more - I think you may have planted a seed of creativity though, I might just have to come up with something :D
    The Spangler @
    The Quick Unpick

  2. Great picks! I feel like that too! You are so talented though. I know you will be wowing me soon enough! :)

  3. Thanks so much for the shout out! I so appreciate it!!
