
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Blog Takeover!

Hi my lovely Blog followers!  I just wanted to let you know that today is my BIG day!  That's right it's surgery!  Now I know that most people are nervous before surgery.. but not me.. I am soo excited!  The idea that SOMEONE out there can help me to be able to breathe, smell, taste and not use inhalers is AMAZING!  So wish me luck and keep checking in as I have left Pinkapotamus in the capable hands of some of my best bloggy friends!  Keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I make a speedy recovery!  And if anyone else wants a turn taking over my blog for a day.. send me a post in HTML form and I'll be sure to post it!


  1. Hope it all goes well, hope to see you posting again soon x

  2. If you're excited, we're excited! See you back here soon!


  3. I am jealous of your chance to breathe again. Sending positive thoughts your way. Hugs to you Girl!

  4. Hope everything goes well for you!!

  5. Hope the operation goes well, working on a post for you will get it sent over soon.
    Also wanted to let you know i've passed on an award to you today (thursday 10th) so as soon as you are back pop on over and get it! x
