
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Guest Post: Ann A Girl In Paradise

Hi, my name is Ann and I blog over at A Girl in Paradise.  Today I wanted to share a fun way to upcycle neckties.  I am sure most of you have a special man in your life that has a few neckties in has collection that are either stained or out of date.  My man had more than a few.  I'm not quite sure what he did to this one, but the front is seriously discolored.  I know it is hard to see in the photo below, but trust me it is unwearable and not even worthy of the donation bin.
What to do?  What to do?
How about some fabric flowers?
They are fun and easy to make.  I took the tie completely apart and cut way the discolored part.  Then with what remained cut 6 - 3" squares. 
 Once you have your squares cut, check out my Fabric Flower Tutorial to see how to assemble your flowers.  You can adjust the size of your square size to fit your needs and have more or less petals.  It is all a matter of preference. 
 As you can see I have been through my husbands neckties and made more than a few.... is an addiction really, so be careful, or your man will be left wondering where all his neckties went.  Thankfully mine doesn't have to wear one to work, or I would be in trouble.  :)
They can be used to make hair accessories and pins. That's how I used mine, but how would you use yours? On the corner of a picture frame or attached to a bag perhaps? The possibilities are endless.  Have fun and let us know what you did with yours!

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  1. Great thrifty idea! I love making my flowers into brooches and putting them on handbags!

  2. That is awesome! I cant wait to try this. I have a tie that belonged to my dad. of course, it is just sitting in a drawer, because I just can not get rid of it. So this would be a great idea for me to make. That way I can keep the tie but also use it. thanks

  3. Thanks!!!!!Great idea!!! I have so many ties left from my other projects, and have no fresh ideas on my own what to do with that wonderful silks...

  4. This is wonderful; thanks for the tute. Pinned with trackback credit to this page for tutorial.
