
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Paper Flower Centerpieces

This weekend is a BIG event in the world of Girl Scouts.. That's right .. you guessed it.. It's the Mother Daughter Brunch!  Whoo hoo! 

My daughter and I look forward to this event every year.. it is a special occasion for the ladies and little ladies to have a delicious brunch, get dressed up and hit the dance floor!  Love it!  As the leader it is my job every year to come up with centerpieces for our tables. Most years I have the girls make stuff but this year with the surgery.. I just plain ran out of time to schedule an extra meeting!  So in the spirit of Girl Scouting I decided to "use resources wisely" by upcycling my countdown to spring buckets
and using my stash busting supplies! 
So here is what I came up with!

Of course according to my daughter they are only acceptable IF we fill each bucket with some jelly beans! 
Oh well, now I have to create 14 more of these and then a watering can filled with flowers for each table. Wish me luck and don't forget to stop back to see the whole arrangement and of course a quick tutorial!
I am sharing with

lil luna link party button


Katie's Nesting Spot
Rhinestone Beagle



  1. Precious! Can't wait to see the entire arrangement. Happy flower making!

  2. Aorable. Thank you so much for sharing and linking up to the handmade hog! THese are perfect for spring

    xoxoox Hanna

  3. Newest follower from the Follow Me Wednesday Blog Hop.
    Be sure to stop by my blog, return the follow, and enter our giveaway!
    Thanks :)

  4. What a cute arrangement, I can't wait to see the tutorial! I'm a new follower visiting from the blog hop. I hope you can stop by sometime.

  5. Great idea! I remember my girl scout days with a smile. Thanks for linkin up!

  6. Hi AmieAnn~

    Looks like a great time was had by all. :) Wanted to let you know that one of your great items from your Etsy shop has been featured today at A Homespun Market Day, thanks bunches for linking your shop. Please stop by and see...

    Drop by The Tattered Tag
