
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hoo Are You? #37

Hello fellow Hoots!  It's time for another episode of

So here are the answers to the questions on everyone's minds this week!
1. Have you ever had a professional massage before?
No.. but I am totally jealous of all of those who have! 

2. When drinking bottled water do you have a preference on which brand you drink?
I love any bottled water except for Aquafina.. it has a funny taste and texture.  Also if given a choice between regular and bubbly I would chose bubbles every time!

3. What is your favorite kind of soup?
I love canned tomato rice soup.. but otherwise my favorite is stuffed pepper soup.. ohhh soo good!

4. Do you have a preference on which Kleenex brand you use?
I use tissues so often that as far as I'm concerned it doesn't matter... toilet paper and / or paper towels are also favorite substitutions!

5. What is your favorite breakfast food?
I love crepes with warm fruit preserves and fruit salad. 



  1. I <3 Crepes!!!! We're toilet paper people, too!!

  2. Oh man I forgot about crepes!

    Ask your hubby for a massage gift certificate for Mother's Day! :)

  3. I am also one of your newest followers! :)

    I would like to invite you to join in on a RECIPE LINK PARTY on my blog!

    "Made it on Monday" is a WEEKLY link, so you can link up every week Wed.-Sat.

    Come join in the fun! There will be prizes often! :)
