
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Envy My Find #2

Oh my gosh!  Lately I have been "finding" such great stuff everywhere!  Last Saturday we went to a garage sale and saw an awesome wood trunk.... unfortunately.. it was already S-O-L-D sold!  I was sooo disappointed.. But then later as we drove past again (crazy, right?) we saw a really cool old corner cabinet.

   But once again.. poor timing the sale was over wha whaaaa!
Later that evening we noticed that it was on the curb for the garbage men and I thought hey.. the garbage men do not deserve that piece they are only going to trash it.. I NEED it!  So Mr. P after much convincing promised that he would pick it up later!  Hooray!  Being a good hubby he got up at 4:30  am and snatched it up!  Whoo hoo.. I am not sure how he did it on his own as the thing weighs about 1,000 lbs... must have been the adrenaline of embarassment!
Anyhow.. he gave it a quick coat of primer and we set it up in the dining room as a trial to make sure we liked it as the thing is HUGE!
Next day I flipped the table around and moved some other stuff and now I LOVE it!  It is going to be my craft corner in the kitchen so I don't have to hide my piles of craftiness under the table!

  Since it has sooo much storage! 
We also have big plans for its finishing.  Mr P. is going to put molding around it to give the illusion of it being a built in piece and I am going to add fabric to the inside of the cabinet doors.  Then we are going to put black handles on the doors that match our kitchen cabinets!  Can't wait to show you it in its finished stage!
Hope you share what you find!
Oh yeah and if you have added something crafty to the Pink Hippo Party and you don't get a comment from me.. it's not because I am rude and don't care about what you made .. it's because Blogger hates me right now and won't let me sign in to commment!


  1. Wow, what a great find. Enjoy it big time.


  2. What an awesome find! It's beautiful & I can't wait to see it when it's finished.
