
Friday, June 10, 2011

Upcycled Pallet

I think that I may have stooped to a new low in life... The other day while dropping my daughter off at school I noticed that there was a very aged looking pallet on the top of the dumpster at the library.

 I had my eye on it all day as I dropped off various kids.. After the last drop off I stopped in the parking lot and asked the guy who was working there if he would help me get it down.  Much to my embarrassment one of the other mothers from school saw me.  And of course was asking all about what I was going to do with it.  Boy was I red in the face!  But I love what I decided to create with my pallet!  Want to see it?  ... I knew you would!
And here is how I made it!
First I started by pulling the wood pieces of the pallet apart... something that I am sure my neighbors appreciated at 7 am on a Thursday morning!
Please excuse the butt shot.. but the photography is courtesy of my 6 year old!
Once the planks were off I cut them into the lengths that I wanted on my saw.

Next I dry brushed each of the boards a shade of blue or gray to match my house which is gray.
Then I painted each one with a word that means "home"

Then I flipped it over and used a piece of leftover wood and gorilla glued it to the back to hold all of the pieces together.

When it was all dry and ready I placed in front of the bear on my front porch.  It kinda looks like he's holding the sign which I love!

I still have more than half the pallet left to upcycle so stay tuned for more palate fun!
I am sharing with
Tickled Pink at 504 Main




  1. LOL! I think if you had snuck out in the middle of the night and dragged it back to your house, that would have been a low point, but asking the guy to help is exactly the way to do it, don't want any nasty accidents!

    The sign looks great, looking forward to seeing what you do with the rest of it!

  2. oh this is a fun idea!! i have another one for you! a planter!! it's really cool. i posted about it on my other blog, here's the link if you want an idea!

  3. Ha!! That is great!! Love the story behind it too! I too get my 6 yr old to take pictures.

  4. Thanks for linking up and grabbing my button. Next week I have a special give away planned just for linkers. The party is still going strong over 280 links, yeah! See you soon.
