
Friday, July 29, 2011

Upcycled Umbrella Stand!

I shared this yesterday HERE but I HAD to share it here because I am just soo excited about it! 
So let me start this post by saying that I am a HUGE Jack Vettriano fan!  Love his paintings.. especially the ones with umbrellas.. we have 4 in our living room.  So it was no big stretch of the imagination that when I had a vision for this

to become an umbrella stand

that Jack Vettriano was the style that immediately came to mind.
So here it is the Jack Vettriano umbrella umbrella stand!

And here is how I made it!

cylinder (mine is the butt end of a newsprint roll from the newspaper.)
Spray paint
printed pictures of Jack Vettriano paintings
sponge brush

Start with your cylinder.

Spray paint it the color of choice.  Mine is black.

When the paint is dry decoupage your pictures all around in the design that you like.

Last add your ribbon embellishment and fill with your umbrella.

And take lots of pictures!

And One more

Hope you like it... I know I DO!
Oh yeah.. and don't forget to join in the fun HERE of my blog hop so that it's not a blog flop!
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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Pink Hippo Blog Hop #2

Welcome to another exciting addition of The Pink Hippo Blog Hop! 
This week's Featured guest is Terri

My Photo
Terry says, "I've been a crafter my whole life, but fairly new to this blogging world of ours. I love taking what most people would throw away and transforming it into something fabulous! My family has finally learned to ask me if they can throw something away or do I want it!"

Here are a few of her amazing projects!
Books into Clock

Gift Card Bracelet

Paint Chip Necklace

Terri hosts a linky party on Thursday and you can stop by and link up HERE
Now onto this week's Blog Hop.. remember that the first person to link up this week will be next week's featured friend BUT you MUST be a follower to be featured!

So link up your blog, visit some others and make some new bloggy friends!

Oh yeah.. and don't forget to visit me here

on Thursdays if you want to see some of my crafty goodness!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Mini Diaper Cake!

This morning I was working on some stashbusting.. but a few items kept creeping into view.. diapers and onsies and washcloths.. oh MY!
So I decided that it would be fun to craft up a super cute mini diaper cake! 
Since fondant cakes are all the rage right now.. I thought what could be more appropriate than a fondant inspired mini cake?
So here is mine!
The Mini Cake is made of 12 diapers, two small stretchies, a burp cloth and a wash cloth.  A perfect little gift for any expectant Mommy!
I am sharing with


Enhanced by Zemanta

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Stashbusting Inspiration #2.. Pink Tulle Skirt

So I am still trying to get you guys to join Stashbusting September.. so here is yet another project for inspiration.. My Pink Tulle Skirt as modeled by my gorgeous girl!
And of course here is a quick tutorial on how I made it!
Cutting Mat
Rotary tool
Sewing machine

Start by cutting your fabric to the desired size and pin your elastic into place.  (I know you are supposed to sew the space and THEN put in the elastic.. but this works better for ME!)

Then sew!

Next add your layer of tulle to the bottom.  I ironed my bottom seam and then pinned the tulle to the top and sewed it all at once.

Do this as many times as you want until you get the desired effect!

Last pin the right sides together and sew your back seam.   And now you have a skirt!

Find your favorite model and try it on!

Whooo Stash..  Busted!
And don't forget you can sign up HERE
I am sharing with
Strictly Homemade Tuesday


Monday, July 25, 2011

Pink Hippo Party #39!

Happy Monday everyone!  Sorry for the lack of "crafty" posts as I have been busy working on the 3 orders that I got this week and of course taking my little lovies to the lake everyday for hours!  Hooray!
Don't forget that Stash busting September signups are starting.. So don't forget to sign up HERE !
C'mon.. you know you have some stash that needs butinsg.. and who doesn't like saving money?
Now onto this week's features!
First up is this sweet little "Blooming" embroidery hoop decoration
Next up is some happy hubby fun with a Zebra purse
I just adore this charming vintage suitcase picnic basket
crafting    Picnic in a vintage suitcase
by the LaDeeDa Crafter @
Love these fabulous anthro inspired braceleets with some extra bling
And last but not least these super stinking adorable Harry Potter finger puppets that my daughter is swooning over
So ladies (or hubbies) grab your featured button and let's get partying!
Here are the rules:
1. Grab a party button
2. Link back to this party
3. Link to your specific post and not your home page
4. Become a follower (cause it's just nice)
5. Don't forget some love to your fellow crafters.. everyone loves a compliment!


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Stashbusting Inspiration

Okay.. obviously stashbusting September doesn't start until September.. but signups are starting NOW.. so I thought that I would offer a stashbusting project that I have been thinking about doing for a LOOOOONG time!  This is the crafty kick in the butt that I needed!
So here it is .. my dino speciman art!

No.. I don't have any dino rooms in the making.. but I just love dino art and found these sweet dinos at the $1 store and had to have them!
So here is what I used from my stash..
Boy paper, wood dinos, canvas, paint and glue.
First I glued a piece of leafy looking paper to my canvas.

Next I painted all of my outside edges brown.

Then I glued patterned paper onto my wood dinos.

Last I glued my dinos onto my canvas.

Yay.. a cute project and a stash bust!  Hooray.. now if you want to join in the fun don't forget to stop by here

and add your name to the list!
I am sharing with

