
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Pink Hippo Blog Hop #2

Welcome to another exciting addition of The Pink Hippo Blog Hop! 
This week's Featured guest is Terri

My Photo
Terry says, "I've been a crafter my whole life, but fairly new to this blogging world of ours. I love taking what most people would throw away and transforming it into something fabulous! My family has finally learned to ask me if they can throw something away or do I want it!"

Here are a few of her amazing projects!
Books into Clock

Gift Card Bracelet

Paint Chip Necklace

Terri hosts a linky party on Thursday and you can stop by and link up HERE
Now onto this week's Blog Hop.. remember that the first person to link up this week will be next week's featured friend BUT you MUST be a follower to be featured!

So link up your blog, visit some others and make some new bloggy friends!

Oh yeah.. and don't forget to visit me here

on Thursdays if you want to see some of my crafty goodness!

1 comment:

  1. I followed your comment on my blog and have discovered something I never knew about before - the blog hop. I don't completely understand it, but it sounds like great fun. I've set one up on and I'm sure I'll learn as I go. Thanks Pinkapotamus
