
Friday, July 29, 2011

Upcycled Umbrella Stand!

I shared this yesterday HERE but I HAD to share it here because I am just soo excited about it! 
So let me start this post by saying that I am a HUGE Jack Vettriano fan!  Love his paintings.. especially the ones with umbrellas.. we have 4 in our living room.  So it was no big stretch of the imagination that when I had a vision for this

to become an umbrella stand

that Jack Vettriano was the style that immediately came to mind.
So here it is the Jack Vettriano umbrella umbrella stand!

And here is how I made it!

cylinder (mine is the butt end of a newsprint roll from the newspaper.)
Spray paint
printed pictures of Jack Vettriano paintings
sponge brush

Start with your cylinder.

Spray paint it the color of choice.  Mine is black.

When the paint is dry decoupage your pictures all around in the design that you like.

Last add your ribbon embellishment and fill with your umbrella.

And take lots of pictures!

And One more

Hope you like it... I know I DO!
Oh yeah.. and don't forget to join in the fun HERE of my blog hop so that it's not a blog flop!
I am sharing with




  1. Easy, zero cost, upcycled, pretty, handy - BINGO! You did it again! Love Love Love everything about it!

  2. Hi! Following you from a blog hop!:0)
    Hope you visit me and return the follow!
