
Saturday, February 11, 2012

DIY Scrabble Tile Cupcake Pendant

I may have mentioned before that I am NOT a huge jewelery making kinda girl.. but ever since I got my little birdie charms for the Pick Your Plum challenge

Manic Mother

and made these bad boys..
I have kind of gotten the jewelry making itch.
In honor of V-day.. I thought it would be fun to make some cute things for my little girl and her friends so here are some simple DIY Scrabble Tile Cupcake and Ice Cream pendants!
Now since I am a pretty simple girl with no jewelry tools I used what I had available which was the tiles and some small eye hooks from Sears.
I put an eye hook in each of the tiles I was going to use.
Then I picked out my cute little cupcake and ice cream scrapbook paper.
I cut out my individual treats and then Mod Podged them onto my tiles.
Next I added some Mod Podge dimensional magic to make them shiny and puffed up.
Once you finish this step walk away.. for about 4 hours.. and find something fun to do while these dry.
Once dry they should look like this!
And then you can make some of these!
I am sharing with
Wayward Weekend



Scrappy Gifts



  1. The cupcake ornaments are so sweet!!! Your daughter and her friends will love them.

  2. These are so cute!! My niece would love the cupcakes! : )

  3. these are so cute, AmieAnn! by the way, girl, I have tagged you! hope you'll play along ^^)

  4. these are so cute! thanks for sharing, Amie girl! we are featuring this on the blog, Facebook, twitter and pinterest!

  5. ADORABLE! Great paper choice. Thanks for linking up to Scrappy 2nd Saturdays
