
Monday, June 11, 2012

Pink Hippo Party #82

Happy Monday Pink Hippos!  We had a great weekend in Hippo Land filled with parties, bike rides and a day at the lake!
Now before we do features this week 2 announcements!
1.   Please, PLEase, PLEASE vote for my Fabric Flowers
 in the final round of Votation @ To Sew With Love
2.  Don't forget to hop over to wish Jenna
to win one of my custom name plaques and a TON of other Awesome stuff!
Now for our FEATURES!
First up is Kim from Made In A Day who created this absolutely A-mazing Denim Flag Wreath..
I want one too!
Next up is Vanessa @ Nifty Thrifty Things who found this Fantastic type case and turned it into a beautiful storage unit for her threads!
Then we have Melissa @ Shabby Love  who created this Gorgeous burlap bulletin board..
seriously.. she had me at BURLAP!
Then we have Heather @ Heatherly Loves  who created this Sweet Rain Coat.. for her puppy, Jewel! 
She must be the best dressed pooch on the block!
Now it's your turn to be featured!  It's easy.. just link up, be a follower, grab a button
Pink Hippo Party
and share the love !

Can't wait to see what you share this week!


  1. Totally voted for you and I think you're tied for first, yay!! Thanks for hosting!

  2. Thank you so much for the feature! I'm thrilled! Thank you also for hosting!!

  3. Thank you so much for featuring my wreath!! You made my day!

  4. Thank you for the invite and hosting!


  5. Yay! Thank you SO much again for the feature, Amie! :)
    XO! Vanessa

  6. Just wanted to let you know that your blog hop button doesnt work :(
