
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Under 300 Followers Blog Hop #5

Well, we made it over the hump to Thursday
So, another weekend is just teasingly out of reach which means its time for another
‘Under 300 Followers’
Blog party!
This week I thought that I would take the liberty of introducing you to one of my Fantastic cohosts Amanda from City Girl Gone Coastal

Isn't she adorable!?!
Amanda is seriously one of my best bloggy friends, always quick to comment with a kind word and of course one of her transatlantacisms.. which always bring a ridiculous smile to my face!
She is a mum of two crazy rambunctious twins who could just about steal any girl's heart.. if they lived closer I would be squishing them ALL the time!

She is also an A-mazing crafter with Sweet Garlands
hanging in the blue sky, fabric garland
Beautiful Artwork
scrapbook paper lighthouse and sailing boat
and she even BAKES!
And for those of you who DON'T know she is a NEW bloggers Best Friend... she has a TON of posts to help you be a better blogger.. and scroll down to see our Fabulous new blog button..She totally Rocked it!  Now enough about us...
To help us all get to know YOU better, next week you will be linking up with a post ALL ABOUT YOU!
It doesn’t have to be crazy long or too detailed, if your the mysterious type that’s cool, just tell us a bit about you and your blog, you then link back here next week using that post.
We will be tweeting and FBing a selection of those posts throughout the weekend, so keep an eye out to see if you’re one of them!
To link up you will need to post our snazzy new button somewhere in your post
under 300 followers
You can grab the button and the code from the side bar  arrow
As if you need another incentive to join in, we are having a giveaway next week too!
Well, I think I have waffled on long enough, so I’m going to hand you over to our
featured blogger
Hey Everyone! 
This is Kimberly from  My Pinterest Reality . I'm so excited to be featured on Amie's blog this week.  I appreciate the recognition her site is giving us 300 and under bloggers. I'm fairly new to the blogging world but am so energized by the creativity it's put back into my life.
So a little about me...
I'm a stay at home mother of 2 awesome young girls (2 and 4).
I've been married to my best friend/husband for almost 7 years.
And since I've left the corporate world, I've been torn between the life I had and the life I live.
After I began staying at home, how I defined myself began to change.  I went from being a product developer who created beautiful things to a stay at home mom who changed diapers and thought she'd lost all creativity until...Pinterest.
As I started to become slightly (okay really) obsessed with Pinterest, I decided to make the 'pins' I loved a reality.  The goal I set for myself is to accomplish one of my 'Pins' from Pinterest a day and blog about it.  The idea can involve my children, photography, a dish, something for my garden, an organizational tool or something just for me.  The 'pin' just needs to become a reality.
Here are some of my favourites so far:
Don't get me wrong, I still wear sweats (most days) and shower every other day (if I'm lucky) but I am now a mom who has a creative edge.

Aren’t Kimberley's daughters just the cutest?
Don’t even get me started on those Oreo truffles, mm mm yummy!
Now it’s time for the blog hopping to begin, as with most things, there are a few rules
Link up with your blog home page
You must be a blogger with under 300 followers
Follow your hosts {Amie, Amanda & Lelanie}
Follow the featured blogger {Kimberley}
Have fun meeting new bloggy buddies!
We’re looking forward to meeting more of you and getting to know you a little better next week

Pinkapotamus and Friends!


  1. Thank you for hosting and am looking forward to next week:) I would also love to invite you to share any of your favorite posts at Freedom Fridays Blog Hop. Have a fabulous weekend!
    PS Giveaways are always welcome at Freedom Fridays!

  2. Awww shucks! You got me all embarrassed now, thank you for such a lovely intro, love ya!

  3. thanks for co-hosting :) I wanna try that potato roast-- yum!

  4. AmieAnn,

    I'm a newby blogger. Thank you for hosting!

    I appreciate it,

  5. Thank you for hosting and visiting my blog! I'm your newest follower. I love the jute and felt wreath! Very cute! Thanks for inviting me to your lovely blog. :)

