
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Watermelon Mint Green Smoothie!

Happy National Running Day to all my running friends out there! 
I just love running.. now some of you may think running is an INSANE pastime, but for me it has been my saving grace.  I have pretty severe asthma, complete with hospitalizations and emergency breathing treatments... so running has saved my lungs from becoming COMPLETELY defective.  It is also the cheapest therapy around, it has gotten me through the toughest moments in my life, including my youngest son's dog bite to the face and the four sugeries that followed.
This is me at my first 5K!  Notice how I am dressed in PINK!
So in honor of National Running Day .. I am sharing one of my favorite post run meals.. a smoothie!  Today's recipe is my Watermelon Mint Green Smoothie.. oh yum!
Now I know that the color is a bit off putting.. but trust me when you taste it .. your tastebuds will celebrate it's sweet and refreshing taste!
6 ice cubes
6 mint leaves
1 cup watermelon
1 cup organic baby arugula
1 green apple cored and peeled
1 cup all natural pomegranate juice
Blend and enjoy!
Hope if you are a runner you hit the streets today.. and if not.. go out and give it a try!

1 comment:

  1. When you put it like that I can see why you run, I shall support you from the couch, and throw popcorn if you're slacking!! But seriously, it is good that it has health benefits both for your asthma and dealing with other crap!
