
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Easiest Apron .. EVER!

Ok.. seriously the title should say it all.. however.. it really should have been Easiest CUTEST apron EVER!   Here it is!
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 Seriously cute, right?
And guess what .. it was soo simple that even I was able to make it.. which is really saying ALOT given my limited sewing skills.
But here's how I did it! 
First I went to visit my BFF Joanne.. and purchased this sweet piece of scrap fabric from the leftover bin for a whopping $1.75!
Then  I pinned it to fit my lovely girl.
Next I created my ties, which I started by cutting two long pieces of yellow gingham fabric.
First I folded in one side to the middle and ironed it.
(p.s. My Mom is jumping for joy right now that I actually ironed something! he he he)
Next I folded the second side in to match the first side and ironed again.
Then I folded the outside edge inside and ironed again.
Last I folded the top corners into each other.. and then over to make a triangle edge.
Then I sewed!
Then I pinned and sewed the side seams into place with the ties wrapped around the inside of the seam and sewed it.
 And last I added this seriously cute gingham pocket with a scrappy fabric flower.  
Then here it is all together!
Viola.. a happy girl and a Sweet apron!
Please be advised that while there was NO actual baking going on in these pictures..
you can bet this girl is going to HOLD ME to some
serious baking
in the VERY near future in exchange for aforementioned modeling shoot!
And p.s. The oven mitts were her idea! 
Isn't she just the cutest?
I am sharing with these fun parties!

KitchenFun Dragonfly Designs
freckled laundry


  1. Very cute apron! I never would have thought to use the pre smocked material to make an apron. Brilliant!

  2. You had me fooled. The light on in the oven totally had me believing you did have some serious baking going on :). The apron and your daughter, both adorable.

    *And, until I started crafting I, too, never used my iron :)

  3. Cute idea! Thank you so much for stopping over and following...I'm happy to follow back! I look forward to the linkup party you told me about and reading future posts!

  4. She is the cutest! Great idea for a sweet apron! Your limited sewing skills trump my (nonexistent) ones! :)


  5. That is super cute!
    Just wanted to say thank you for joining our Welcome Wednesday blog hop! We hope to see you stop by weekly and even maybe enter some of our giveaways and check out our freebies & deals! We are so happy to be new followers of your blog and can't wait to come back! You are more than welcome to grab our special Welcome Wednesday button which will link you directly to our hop each week & that also helps spread the word about our great event!

    Kristin & Jaime

    Take It From Me

  6. Seriously cute, indeed!...Your apron and your girl! Thanks for sharing with air your laundry friday! xo Jami
