
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Under 300 Followers Blog Hop #11

Welcome to another edition of the
Under 300 Followers Blog Hop
Today I just want to say THANKS to everyone who has been hopping by since the beginning... last week was our biggest hop at 50 bloggers!   I started this party to help others make REAL connections.  I love my Bloggy Girlfriends.. seriously, Amanda and Lelanie are like my Bloggy BFF's.. we help each other out, share parties and crafts and we email back and forth about each other's days.. It's so nice to have found a crafty community to share my inspiration with who listen and appreciate what I create!.. Alright enough with the sappy stuff now.. let's meet our crafty Featured Blogger.. Take it away Amanda!
Hello! I am Amanda and I blog at mommy is coocoo.
I'm thrilled to be the featured blogger today at Pinkapotamus!
~ My blog is all about fun! ~
Whether you are laughing about the realities of marriage and motherhood or being inspired to make your everyday surroundings lovely, regardless of your budget. I'd like to share a few projects near and dear to my heart.  I hope these project inspires you!

You'll definitely want to check out Nanny's Coffee Tables-here.
~Red and Blue Chandelier~
~Black and Hot Pink Damask~
My Peacock Blue Kitchen Table
See what the table used to look like and my
How to Glaze Furniture Tutorial here 

My Antique Door ~
 now Free-Standing Door w Mirror
($20) fairytale Before AND After story ~
with fabric remnants.
~My book wreath~

~Decoupage Anna Maria Horner Dresser~

~my families priceless artwork ~
{notice how Mr. coocoo and I are holding hands!  wow!  something good is sinking in}
Pin It
Read here about how you can turn your kids drawings into treasures you'll want to keep forever.
Thank you so much for featuring me today Amie!
  This coocoo momma couldn't be more grateful.
Now let's get this party started!
Please, PLEase PLEASE don't link to a specific post but to your HOMEPAGE! If you want to share your cooking and crafting goodness.. stop on by HERE on Mondays and share with ME the Pink Hippo or on Saturdays and share with Lelanie @ Crafty Saturday
We promise to try to be Super Helpful anytime.. so if you have questions leave us a comment and we will be happy to answer! Let us know you follow and we will follow you back!
Grab a button,

Link Up, Be a Follower (cause it's nice) and of course mix and mingle and make some friends!
Pinkapotamus and Friends!


  1. Oh oh something was going on with the linky and I am listed 3 times! Sorry about that!


    p.s. thanks for hosting

  2. Thanks Amie! Everything looks great. I am so grateful. I was going to leave you a comment and tell you and then I noticed my button is on there 3 times. OMG! I am so sorry. Clearly I'm have computer problems!

  3. Thank you so much for the invitation over to link up! Have a great rest of the week!

  4. Thanks for inviting me! Maybe I'll hit triple digits today! :) And Amanda is amazing!! Going to hit up her blog right... NOW!

  5. Thank you for the invite! What a fun idea.

  6. Hi, Amie! Thank you for kind words and invitation! I'm all linked up and now one of your newest followers!!
    Have a Beautifully Blessed Weekend!

  7. Thanks so much for hosting. I am now following you back on bloglovin.

    PS I have a Monday linky party if you want to drop by and share.

  8. Thanks for hosting! I'm new to the blog hop scene; you're my second one ever! :)
