
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October Overhaul CRAFT ROOM MESS & link ups!

Hey Pink Hippos and High Heels Wearing Divas!  
You guys have been soo brave in sharing your messified craft rooms.. so now HERE is the place to get down and dirty and show us what you've got!  Grab the October Overhauling button and share your mess!
Ocober Overhauling

Here are some of my Friends who have shared so far!
Chelsea at The Big, Beautiful & Broke


Kelley at The Grant Life
(Sorry I called you Megan!)

and my favorite crafty mess is from
Stephanie at Toastie Studio

And of course.. here is a bit more show and tell from ME!
This is from the basement collection.
I may just have enough crafting supplies to supply a small craft store of my own... 
Move over Michael's and Joanne's .. HERE comes 
Pink Hippo's!
Ready, Set, SHARE!

 Amie and Amy 
p.s.  You can still join in the October Overhauling fun HERE


  1. Wow, those messes are NOTHING next to mine. Tonight I shall photograph my shame to share it with the masses.

    (warning: there will be bad lighting--lots of bad lighting)

  2. It is unfortunate that not that long ago I did some overhauling and didn't take pictures. Oh well. At least I know I'm not the only one! I hope all is well!

  3. My craft room is almost tidy and organised, as I only recently moved, but the fabric stash needs some sorting out - it doesn't look too bad to the casual glance, but I want to get it all boxed, filed and alphabetised!

  4. Woah! I guess I'm glad now that I don't have a craft room ;-) It surely seems to be a magnet for messes! Even though I secretly swoon over all those picture-perfect cute craft rooms that some people seem to have, which, however, look like they are never being used ;-)

    Great link up idea!

  5. Wow! That's a lot of great crafty messes! Thanks so much for hosting this Amie and Amy. What a great idea! It's motivated me to finally getting my craft room done. I can hardly wait for the after!!

  6. Thank you honey for hosting this lovely platform for us creative "mess makers"
    Cant wait for the "after" pictures of your craft room.
