
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

October Overhauling Craft Room Cleanups Linky!

Hey Pink Hippos and High Heels Wearing Divas!  
Well, we are two weeks into October Overhauling and I don't know about you but I am feeling pretty good!
A great big shout out to all of my Lovely cheerleaders who been out there with lots of sweet supportive comments! Love you guys! 
Here are some highlights of my cleanups!

And here are some features of other amazing Crafty cleanups!
First up is Megan at Our Pinteresting Family did a Fantastic job on her cleaned up basement craft space!
Next up is Janiene at A Bunch of Bishops  who did an Amazing job cleaning up her crafty closet!  P.s. she has the cutest helper!
Then we have Naush at Doodle Buddies  who is a crafter after my own heart.. she had a complete craft room transformation that you just have to SEE to believe!
My throne !!
You guys are awesome!  Now it's your turn!  Join in the fun by sharing your clean up, grab a button, be a follower and share some cleaned up craft room love!

Ocober Overhauling

Amie and Amy
Pinkapotamus and The High Heel Wearing Diva


  1. Thanks so much for featuring my space! You are too kind..and thanks for inspiring me to get moving on some organization. :) Megan

  2. Oh no! This is the hardest part of the October Overhauling!

    Guess I'll just take it one little pile at a time.

  3. Thank you so much for featuring my craft studio !! I am absolutely thrilled that my mess turned organized space is getting such lovely attention. Thanks hon.

  4. I will be linking up Friday! Hubby and I bought some shelves to put up tomorrow. I'm so excited to finish!!

  5. I'm doing a 31 Days to Declutter I'm overhauling lots of little areas at a time-I've done my front living room space and am almost done with the bathroom. My large overhauls will be the bedroom and the cupboards in my kitchen...I'm totally procrastinating! You can check it out at And you bet, it feels AMAZING!! It's great to have others doing it as well :)
