
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Three Item Thursday!

I am SUPER excited to participate in the very first Three Item Thursday which is being hosted by two of my favorite bloggy BFF's..

This week's three items are:  Twine, Paint Chips and Empty Cereal Boxes...

And here is my project... drum roll please!
A Bunny and Egg Easter Garland and of course a quickie tutorial so all you three item fans can make one too!
I already told you the ingredients!  So now that you have them cut out a template for a bunny from your cereal boxes.  Then cut ears, tail, nose and a big heart for the bunny out of your paint chips.  Put it all together and tie a twine bow around its neck or ear.  Voila!
Then cut out eggs to hang between the bunnies.  Then hang on the twine line for a garland!

Now I know I CHEATED.. because I used clothespins but I had every intention of using a hole punch to attach them to the twine.. however, I lost it.  Desperate times call for desperate measures!
And here is one more shot with my middle guy because he HAD to get in on the fun!

Hope you HOP on over and share your three item projects!
I am also sharing with
Catch a Glimpse Button
Rhinestone Beagle
Katie's Nesting Spot

Fantabulous Friday!



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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Repurposed Shelf

I love giving handmade gifts!  So of course when my friend Cathy's daughter who also doubles as one of my daughter's best friends had a birthday coming I was ready for action!  As I have shared with you  before I love my little MDF dresses..
 but I thought that they would be really adorable as a jewelry holder.  I had an old shelf that was my daughter's.. again something that we have never used but have moved on several occasions that was just begging to be repurposed. 
So first I designed my dresses.  Rebecca's room is pink, purple and white so that  is what I worked with.  Here is the completed project ready for hanging!
To the shelf Mr. Pinkapotamus added wood rosettes and knobs for hanging jewelry from (trust me it is much better for my precious digits) !
Hope she loves it!
I am sharing with
lil luna link party button




Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Flower Centerpiece Tutorial!

Yay!  Saturday was the Girl Scout brunch!  My daughter and I had a wonderful time as usual! 
And of course on the table were the paper flower centerpieces that I made.  Here is the finished centerpieces on the table.

And here is a quick tutorial on how to make them!
Scrapbook paper
wood dowels
tissue paper
galvanized buckets
craft glue
hot glue gun
Start by cutting your scrapbook paper into three different size flowers.  I used my Cricut which made it soo much faster.. especially when cutting in bulk!
Next glue your three flowers together and add a button that has been threaded and tied with twine to the center.

Next glue two flowers onto your dowel with a hot glue gun.  Make sure they line up!
It should look like this.
Now add a line of tissue paper between the two flowers with craft glue.
Then tie a ribbon under the flower around the dowel to look like leaves.
Last glue your flower into green tissue paper, then glue your tissue paper into the mini bucket.
After all 14 centerpieces were made I then made 2 galvanized watering cans into centerpieces.
Hope you have fun makng them for your special occasion!
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Monday, March 28, 2011

Pink Hippo Party #22

Happy Monday to all!  We had a crazy weekend and I still feel like I am recovering so I will keep this short and sweet!  Here are my favorites for this week!
First up are these non fat cupcakes that I am totally in LOVE with from Keri @
Next up is this super  fun preppy Argyle Wreath from Mel @
And last but certainly not least are these beatuiful Pink Peony Topiarires by Chelsea @

Ladies grab your featured button!
Now on to the rules to party.
1. Grab a party button
2. Link back to this party
3. Link to your specific post and not your home page
4. Become a follower (cause it's just nice)
5. Don't forget some love to your fellow crafters.. everyone loves a compliment!
Now let's get this party started!

Hope you come back later in the week as I have some fun projects to share!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Guest Post: Ann A Girl In Paradise

Hi, my name is Ann and I blog over at A Girl in Paradise.  Today I wanted to share a fun way to upcycle neckties.  I am sure most of you have a special man in your life that has a few neckties in has collection that are either stained or out of date.  My man had more than a few.  I'm not quite sure what he did to this one, but the front is seriously discolored.  I know it is hard to see in the photo below, but trust me it is unwearable and not even worthy of the donation bin.
What to do?  What to do?
How about some fabric flowers?
They are fun and easy to make.  I took the tie completely apart and cut way the discolored part.  Then with what remained cut 6 - 3" squares. 
 Once you have your squares cut, check out my Fabric Flower Tutorial to see how to assemble your flowers.  You can adjust the size of your square size to fit your needs and have more or less petals.  It is all a matter of preference. 
 As you can see I have been through my husbands neckties and made more than a few.... is an addiction really, so be careful, or your man will be left wondering where all his neckties went.  Thankfully mine doesn't have to wear one to work, or I would be in trouble.  :)
They can be used to make hair accessories and pins. That's how I used mine, but how would you use yours? On the corner of a picture frame or attached to a bag perhaps? The possibilities are endless.  Have fun and let us know what you did with yours!

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Paper Flower Centerpieces

This weekend is a BIG event in the world of Girl Scouts.. That's right .. you guessed it.. It's the Mother Daughter Brunch!  Whoo hoo! 

My daughter and I look forward to this event every year.. it is a special occasion for the ladies and little ladies to have a delicious brunch, get dressed up and hit the dance floor!  Love it!  As the leader it is my job every year to come up with centerpieces for our tables. Most years I have the girls make stuff but this year with the surgery.. I just plain ran out of time to schedule an extra meeting!  So in the spirit of Girl Scouting I decided to "use resources wisely" by upcycling my countdown to spring buckets
and using my stash busting supplies! 
So here is what I came up with!

Of course according to my daughter they are only acceptable IF we fill each bucket with some jelly beans! 
Oh well, now I have to create 14 more of these and then a watering can filled with flowers for each table. Wish me luck and don't forget to stop back to see the whole arrangement and of course a quick tutorial!
I am sharing with

lil luna link party button


Katie's Nesting Spot
Rhinestone Beagle
