
Friday, September 28, 2012

October Overhauling.. Organizing Fabric

In the spirit of the beginning of
October Overhauling
I thought it would be fun to share my first attempt at organizing and cleaning.  So here is my Fabric Stash.  
Holy overwhelming mess!  Yup.. this is the freakishly scary before picture.. 
*warning* if you have a weak stomach.. turn away NOW!
This is what was "hiding" under the table in the kitchen... (not the table we EAT at)
and THIS is what was hiding in my so called "sewing closet" 
So yes, I AM a closet crafter.. literally!
Now my sweet Mommy knows what a pig um Giant Mess I am, so she offered me this sweet organizational tool.
So I grabbed all my fabric and color coded it and NEATLY put it in the baskets which pull out from either side!
Then I grabbed my piles of ribbon and organized them so that they now fit through those cute little holes in the bottom.  
All the extras got placed in a rubbermaid bin.. neatly~
So here is under table AFTER
and the craft closet AFTER!
Mess Managed!
So don't forget that if you haven't signed up yet.. there's still time.
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C'mon .. you know you want to!


  1. Nicely done!

    This weekend I need to get pics of all my mess (it has infected 3-4 rooms in my house!).

  2. Damn girl! I'm actually impressed, you come up with awesome crafts and work with..... that!

    Not that I can talk cause I'm no better, actually thinking about it, I think it makes us better crafters than those who are all neat, yeah that's what I'm telling myself!

  3. Great job! I'm in the middle of trying organize my fabric, too! I've gotten as far as the color piles and a pile for special fabrics. I'm repurposing an odd piece I picked up at a garage sale this summer and hope it will accommodate much of my stash. I know it won't work for everything, so I need to find a great piece like yours. You're an inspiration.

  4. WOW! I think you could hold a craft convention for all of your followers and still have left over crafts :). I am impressed with your organization so far.

  5. Hi Amie,

    Just wanted to check you got your Blog Angels info as I hadn't heard from you. I need to organise in October...honestly I can barely open my eyes at home it's so cluttered.

    Rosie xx

  6. My little craft room actually looks fairly tidy as I moved the furniture around a few days ago... I really ought to organise the fabric properly though or I fear it will be in a piggle again soon!

    I just need to get a chest of drawers and my life will be complete! (Until I fill that with my ever growing stash!)

  7. What wonderful progress!! Congratulations!! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  8. I'm inspired! I wrote my first post and shared my messy craft area!

    This week I am organizing!!


  9. Oh do I feel your pain when seeing your fabric stash. I craft and store in exactly the same way - I hope to get a bit more organized myself. Thanks for sharing, for visiting my blog and following - I am here to return the favor.

    Have a crafty weekend.
    one crafty mess

  10. Yay you! Looks so good! Thanks for linking up with Super Sunday Sync!

    Check out my Mommy blog at:
    Visit anytime!
    {All follows are returned}
    Come play on Sundays @
    Super Sunday Sync!

  11. Oh my goodness! I am not alone. lol At the end of the summer, I bought some fabric bins and sorted my fabrics and folded them in there. I also refinished a piece of furniture from my childhood and placed the rest of the fabric in the drawers. When I get the rest of my craft space organized, I'm definitely blogging about it. It's been a complete makeover project that I'm excited about. Just gotta get finished. :-)

  12. The after looks great!! Found you on the blog hop (love your banner!). Happy to be following on linky and GFC.

  13. I found your blog from Kelley's posts @ The Grant Life. I am inspired! I posted pics of my messy craft room today. Thanks for the inspiration!


    Week One!

  15. That is so good tidying and organising!!
    I shared week 1, my crafty mess on my blog yesterday.
