
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Under 300 Followers Blog Hop #20

Hey Pink Hippos!  It's Thursday once again and time for your FAVORITE Thursday Blog hop..
Hosted by Me, Amie @ Pinkapotamus
Lelanie @ To Sew With Love
Now before I introduce our Newest Cohost, Lisa, I would like to share some fun stuff going on Here at Pinkapotamus..
First you can sign up for October Overhauling which you can find out more about HERE and
then a super fun GIVEAWAY from my friend Kate HERE

Hi Bloggy (future) Friends! I am Lisa from akawest, a blog where I share my love of sugar, spray paint, and laughing at life, while inching towards adulthood in my forties. I am the mother of two grown kiddos, and the wife of one very patient man, whom I often coerce into doing fun projects that involve saws, or any sort of measuring, 'cause if precision is involved, you can count me out!

My talents include surviving marathon thrift store shopping, gluing a zillion buttons onto a mirror frame,  sprinting through Disney World, and dressing like a People of Walmart character. I am also an expert at raising a deaf kid, with an expertise that includes creating my own version of sign language, and bunches of silly text messages.

I hate cold weather, but since moving to Florida, I am no longer a witch, and have stopped blogging about shivering in my house, and cursing the snow, and now fill my blog with tales of sneaking tattoo pics at the beach, while pretending to read novels.

Please join me in the fun, where I prove that messily iced cookies taste as good as prettier treats, and your kids will turn out just fine, even if you use Beer World cups at their birthday parties.

A great big THANK YOU, and a hug to Amie, for inviting me to give you a glimpse into my blog. Even though in real life I am sort of a germaphobe, and would just hand you a platter of cookies to show my gratitude, this bloggy hug is a full body bear hug!
Now don't forget to follow your hosts and cohost!  Link up, Grab a Button, Be a Follower and make some NEW bloggy friends!
Pinkapotamus and Friends


  1. I love your crafty ideas! I am a new follower of a farm mom that loves to craft, but never seems to find the time. Thanks for hosting!

  2. Hello, Amie! Thank you for hosting! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures
