Friday, August 19, 2011

Ballard Inspired painting

Every so often I get the urge to paint.. not craft paint but real honest to goodness painting.. like on canvas with a brush and a subject.  Recently I was inspired by this beautiful painting..
Moment in Time Giclee Print
and decided that maybe it would be fun to make one for my bedroom on a MuCH smaller scale and for $0 cost since I had everything!

Of course, mine is a bit different since I had to add some sort of dimension to it.

We have lived in our house for over 2 years.. however, we have done zero decorating in our bedroom since we moved in.  So this is my very first decoration.. now I just need to decorate the headboard.
Happy Friday!
I am sharing with

Sumo's Sweet Stuff
Fantabulous Friday!

freckled laundry

Enhanced by Zemanta

Tickled Pink at 504 Main


  1. I have seen this print before and love it! Wish I had that kind of talent! :)

  2. Hi, AmieAnn - that is so rich and elegant! Love it to bits - and wow, I'm guessing you saved huge $$$!

  3. You did a great job...I love that style...might have to make one myself!
    504 Main

  4. I love this. It reminds me of my most bestest boy, Casper. He was an extension of me. I miss him so but your painting made me smile!

  5. love your take on the painting...especially at NO cost!

  6. I love your painting! You diffently upscaled Bullard's piece by 100,000,000 percent. Nice whimsy!

  7. I love you painting! SO pretty what great inspiration!
