Happy Monday Pink Hippos!
Here in NJ we are bracing for Sandy to hit.. the winds they are a blowing.. Hope everyone else out there on the East coast is safe.. my thoughts and prayers are with you!
Now let's get this party started with this week's Features!
First up is T'onna from Navy Wifey Peters with this

A-dorable little Candy Corn Fairy Costume.
Next up is Amy from While Wearing Heels who made this

super sweet and smooshy Little Piggy Costume.
Then we have Lindsay from Artsy Fartsy Mama and her hubby from Surviving Crafting who created this

De-lightful little Diver Costume together cause
Teamwork gets the job Done!
Seriously those are some of the most adorable little models EVER!
Next up is Ilda from (I) (L)ove (D)oing (A)ll Things Crafty with this
Beautiful Fondant Christening Cake.
Now it's your turn to be featured! Grab a button, link up, be a follower and share some love!