Gotta start my week out right by saying a HUGE thanks to several lovely ladies for featuring my diaper trike this week! This was one of my favorite projects.. so thanks to Jami at The Blackberry Vine @ and to Jill at Creating My Way to Success @ ! Also a HUGE thanks to Kati @ The Multi Purpose Life for Shooting me a BLOG AWARD! Keep on the look out.. you might be next to get one! (hint.. hint.. check back tomorrow!)
This makes me sooo happy.. now on to the POST~
This post is NOT in offense to ANY old ladies out there! In fact, old ladies are some of my favorite people, like my Grandma who is 90!
That is my little guy walking my Grandma! Too cute! |
This recipe is lovingly named "Old lady Spicy Chicken" for the lady whose name we did not get, who gave us this recipe at a party! She was AWESOME and an AMAZING cook! Also it is Kinda fun to say it!
(Also if any of you like the Frank's red hot commercial with the old lady who says, "I put that S*** on everything" .. it makes it all the funnier!)
So onto the recipe!
1 cup of olive oil
1 package of skinless boneless chicken
2 small cans of tomato sauce
Frank's red hot
cayanne pepper
salt and pepper
Start by heating up 1 cup of olive oil in a large sauce pan.
Cut up chicken into bite size pieces.
Then cook until no longer pink and season with salt and pepper.
Add in the two cans of tomato sauce, Frank's red hot to taste (I can't tell you an exact amount as it depends on how SPICY you like it.. I like a lot so I add about 10 - 15 generous shakes!), and a few sprinkles of red pepper flakes.
Let everything come to a boil, then simmer covered for about an hour.
Season with salt and pepper to taste and serve over rice with a salad! Yum-O!
Hope this puts some spice in your week!