It has been a super BUSY couple weeks here in
Pink Hippo land! I have been crafting my little heart out to ready for a BIG craft show.. so without further ado here it is!

Now I have never had a round table before so it was kinda throwing me off a bit.
But after some readjusting
and an intervention from the hubby
I think it all worked!
And of course EVERYTHING is much more fun with your friends so I brought some!
Sharon worked behind the scenes, my MIL was our photographer and we had lots of visitors!
Here is my lovely friend Laurie at her table, she makes beautiful tags, scrapbook, frames and recipe boxes!
And of course we needed some fun friend pics
'cause what else would you do at a craft show?
BTW if you look closely at my table the little cloth on it is full of mini hippos!
I also had the pleasure of meeting another crafty blogger who I will introduce you to in more depth this week
she makes the most beautiful plantable seed paper and party goods!
So all in all it was a GREAT day, friends, fun, networking, meeting other bloggers and of course making a little money is always the gravy on the mashed potatoes!
And let me just say that I am soo appreciative of all the love and support that I get from my family and friends.. I couldn't do it without them!
I am sharing with
Amie @ Pinkapotamus